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double falcon造句

  • The first example is the serekh of a protodynastic king known as " Double Falcon ".
  • Most possibly it points to Lower Egypt and Sinai, since Double Falcon's name has been found only at these two sites.
  • The concentration of Double Falcon's serekhs in Lower Egypt and the north-western Sinai indicates that his rule may have been limited to these regions.
  • Kings in pre-Pharaonic times used to take names of animals and many records have been found of chieftains named Mouse, Falcon, Double Falcon and Elephant.
  • A further curiosity of Double Falcon's serekh are the two falcon figures, each one resting on one corner atop the bent serekh and facing each other.
  • The source of the following Pharaohs is only from this " King List "; a few have artifacts that further confirm their reign ( the Double Falcon King ).
  • But, in 1528, the sixteen-year-old James V escaped, and, joining his mother at double falcons, four quarter falcons, with powder, gunners and bullets.
  • The next attestation of Double Falcon was discovered in 1912 during excavations by Hermann Junker on the site of Tura, where a tomb yielded a complete jar bearing a serekh topped by two falcons.
  • More recently, serekhs of Double Falcon have been found in the Sinai Peninsula, in Tell Ibrahim Awad in the eastern Delta, in Adaima and Abydos in Upper Egypt, and in the Palmahim quarry in southern Israel.
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